You're Almost There!Enter your booking details here. We will be in touch with a confirmation soon! Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.First Name *Last Name *Phone Number *Email *Date of Event *Pickup TimeChoose Pickup Time7:00AM7:30AM8:00AM8:30AM9:00AM9:30AM10:00AM10:30AM11:00AM11:30AM12:00PM12:30PM1:00PM1:30PM2:00PM2:30PM3:00PM3:30PM4:00PM4:30PM5:00PM5:30PM6:00PM6:30PM7:00PM7:30PM8:00PM8:30PM9:00PM9:30PM10:00PM10:30PMChoose your Bus *The Chill BusKaraoke Limo BusOriginal Shanghai BusSolid Gold Bus Estimated Party Size *Event type *Choose OneWine TourCompany EventBirthdayWeddingBachelor/letteOtherPickup Location & Any Special requests *Provide credit card info below if you confirmed a date with us or to book the date IF it is open. We will then contact you with a confirmation email where you will have a final opportunity to review everything, agree to our terms and solidify your reservation!Card #Expiration DateSecurity CodeZip CodeSubmit